Everything but the work

Everything but the work

Has anyone noticed that when organizations deal with work, they focus on everything but the work itself? What it takes to get it done? [Jobs to be Done] Even as jobs are increasingly scarce in a world where work marketplaces promise to get work done more cheaply and in a more timely fashion, a focus…

Working Better is Working Smarter

Working Better is Working Smarter

Based in Switzerland, Larissa Hämisseger, has a background in the business working in the fast-paced startup environment, where she is constantly in contact with people that work long hours on a daily basis. She is also a yoga instructor, teaching about, different health practices in the workplace. She is convinced that we are able to…

Beyond Leadership

Beyond Leadership

How do network leaders lead their employees? In network-like, fluid, or holocratic organisational structures, there is rarely a fixed leadership relationship between employee and supervisor; instead, leadership responsibilities are assigned on a project, task force, or even network basis. For this reason, traditional top-down methods no longer work. Instead, methods for building and stabilising networks…